testing image dithering with imagemagick 6.9.7-4 on debain, syntax is different from windows. not sure about mac with homebrew.
for basic setup,
convert +dither -colors 3 -depth 4 -morphology open octagon:1 input_jpg output_jpg
test images: https://i.imgur.com/Yqf5uHc.png
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
Only change parameter for -colors, output filename includes the value used.
convert +dither -colors 3 .... bld_jpg bld_c3_jpg #2
convert +dither -colors 2 .... bld_jpg bld_c2_jpg #3
.. -colors 16 .... mnt_c16_jpg #5
.. -colors 6 .... mnt_c6_jpg #6
7.mark zb
.... mz_c5_jpg #8
.... mz_c3_jpg #9
.... lp_c3_jpg #13
./watercolor -s 0 -e 5 -m 33 -c 0 laptop_jpg laptop_jpeg #11, fred script
convert +dither -colors 3 -depth 4 -morphology open octagon:1 \
-level 25% -contrast laptop_jpeg lp-w-c3-lvl25.jpg #12
for testing various option:
z=(close dilate erode open) #options for -morphology
g=1 #octagon value
#for-loop all jpg in current folder and output to test folder
for x in *jpg;do
for j in ${z[@]};do ##use z array
for i in {2,5,8,16};do ##-color values
convert +dither -colors $i -depth 4 \
-morphology "${j}" octagon:$g $x test/${x%.*}-c$i-$j$g.jpg;
#example output name: lp-c5-erode1.jpg
#in test/, check how many images uses -colors 2 base on filename
cd test; ls *-c2-*.jpg|wc -l
$ 36 #example output
#combine images with same color depth
for i in {2,5,8,16};do
#in my case, theres 36 images per color depth: 2,5,...
#for longer or wider stacking images require different sort.
ls *-c$i-*.jpg|sort -t- -k3 > testlist;montage @testlist -tile 9x -geometry +2+2 x-c$i.jpeg;
#or comment above, and uncomment below for taller stack
##ls *-c$i-*.jpg|sort > testlist;montage @testlist -tile x9 -geometry +2+2 x-c$i.jpeg;
Aint going in-depth with sort command, it's often trial and error.
another example:
ls *jpg| sort -s -t"-" -k3 -k2.2n > testlist;
montage @testlist -tile 4x -geometry +0+0 $x$g.jpeg
with filnames: lp-c5-erode1 bld-c16-open1 lp-c2-erode1 mz-c5-dilate1 etc.
- as delimiter, first alphabetically sort by third column. Then second value after c in second column.
use sort -r ... to reverse result
text dump: https://hemisc.neocities.org/im/posterize2.txt